Mickey Mouse Black & White sculpture, designed by Eva Maria Cuerva, takes the cartoon technique and its strokes in black ink on white as a reference.
Mickey Mouse Black & White sculpture, designed by Eva Maria Cuerva, for Lladró.
This creation is based on a contemporary vision of Mickey Mouse. His creative approach takes as a reference the technique of cartoons and his lines in black ink on white.
And so, Mickey is presented decorated with drawings, hand-painted on porcelain, which symbolize very prominent themes of Lladró's imagination such as love, nature or magic. Drawings that are also applied to the decoration of the shirt, the legendary gloves, the socks or the footwear, all executed with the utmost precision and at the same time with an endearing and casual tone.
The black and white decoration is completed with chosen touches of gold luster on his nose, or the keys that hang from his waist, keys with which Mickey opens all the hearts. Because if there is a character that speaks of kindness and love, it is Mickey Mouse and especially in this proposal.
Material: Porcelain with glossy finish and gold lustres
Measurements: 17x15x31cm